Wednesday 31 March 2021


I got up at 6.30, put on a load of washing, made a pot of teaand a bowl of porridge for my breakfast. When the washing was done I hung it out and H made us both a proper coffee. We both sat in the lounge for a while, H watching tv and me reading. At 8.30 he went to the garden centre to get some plastic spikes to put on top of our gate to stop cats climbing over because he saw a cat in the garden this morning. When he got home he put it up and we had another coffee. Next we went down to the surgery so I could book a blood test, ( you can never get through on the phone.) We asked about our second jabs while we were there and they said you have to ring up and see if they have any avalable, but later on we had a phone call saying we can have them tomorrow. After that we went to our daughters and collected our groceries. We also exchanged Easter eggs. When we got home we had a toasted hot cross bun and a cuppa soup for lunch. When I wrote about our ride yesterday I left out one of the most important things about it! H said he had pumped our tyres up nice and hard because it was s road ride. We had not even done a mile when when H got a puncture which sprayed white gluey stuff all over his leg. We stood still for a minuite or two and then carried on. We did about a mile and a half and it sprayed the road again but H kept going and it sealed its self and again at 5 miles it leeked again. He didnt pump it up and I couldnt believe we were going all that way with a dodgey tyre! But I need not have worried because it was fine after that. We had our baths and then dinner, kacket potatoes with a meat sauce and grated cheese.

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