Tuesday, 14 May 2019


H woke me up at 6. I put on a load of washing and had a slice of toast for breakfast. I packed a banana and a slice of cheese with my bottle of water, packed my bag, dressed, made the bed and got ready to go to work. The washing wasn’t quite finished so I had to leave it for H to hang out. When I got to work we went to plant straight away. First we planted red cabbages, then sprouts and cabbages. After that we planted all the early leeks. This took us to almost 10 o’clock so we loaded the trailer with another load of plants and had our break. We then went to another part of the field and planted cauliflowers, kale. Broccoli and more cabbages. I took us till 12.33 to plant them all and then I de shooted tomatoes till home time. When I got home I had a coffee, an apple and a corned beef sandwich. We had a glass of wine and I sat in the sun for a little while. I got the washing in, all nice and dry. I did a bit of weeding and then I made a pot of tea and watched tipping point. I had a bath and cooked dinner. We had potato wedges, sausages, pork slices, mushrooms grilled tomatoes and a fried egg. Next I will watch my soaps, they are all rubbish at the moment. I have to work again on Thursday which is a bit of a surprise but the boss said there is a fair bit of weeding to do.

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