Friday 3 May 2019


H woke me up at 6.20, he had already sliced me off some bread for toast and made a pot of tea. I put on a load of washing and had my breakfast. As soon as we had done I cleaned my teeth, dressed and we went shopping. When we got back I unpacked and put everything away while H made the coffee. I sat and drank mine while I read my magazine. Next I made the bed and vacuumed. I couldn’t hang the washing out because it’s raining. At 11am I got ready to meet my sister in law for lunch, we had a nice lunch and a good chat. When I went H was watching the tour of Yorkshire, women’s race and when I came home he was watching the tour of Yorkshire, men’s race. I poured him of wine and put the chicken in the oven. I had a shower and then cooked dinner, carrots, cauliflower and potatoes to go with our chicken. Tomorrow I will have a turbo as I don’t have a bike at the moment but as it happens with this wet weather we wouldn’t be going out anyway. Thank goodness for the pain cave.

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