Sunday 26 May 2019


I got up this morning at 6.30 and put on a load of washing. I had toast for breakfast as I couldn’t be bothered to make porridge. We had a coffee and H went up to do a short turbo ride just to keep his ‘legs loose’ because he plans to go for a long ride tomorrow with our son in law. I dressed so I could hang out the washing. I did a bit of watering and dead heading then I swept the path. I trimmed one of our bushes and it looks ok but I couldn’t reach the top so H will have to sort it. When he finished his ride we had a coffee and a biscuit and for lunch we had cheese sandwiches with radishes. This afternoon H went to Asda and no sooner had he gone when our daughter and son in law came round to arrange the time and place etc they are meeting tomorrow. They couldn’t stay as they were busy and only called in passing. H was gone for ages because Asda was packed but when he came home he brought ice cream. I read my book most of the afternoon ( I made a chocolate cake this morning) we had a cup of tea and then I had a shower before cooking dinner. We had sausages, bacon, eggs, potato wedges and baked beans, a funny sort of Sunday dinner but H didn’t want a roast.

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