Sunday, 20 January 2019


I got up at 6.55 and H was up and had made a pot of tea. I had a cup and checked my emails and then he brought me a coffee. We both sat and watched tele and when he went upstairs to sort the turbo I made myself a bowl of porridge. Our daughter and son in law came round at 10.30 and while the men  were upstairs talking bikes daughter and I popped round to see our grandson ( her son), take Chloe a gift and lend them our post spade. We took the short cut there because the spade is heavy but we walked back a longer way round. When we got back I made us a ‘cupper’ and when they left we had our lunch. I made H a ham and egg sandwich and I had ham.  This afternoon I had a ride in the pain cave and did 31.2 miles. This week I have done 109 miles!! As soon as I had finished H ran me a bath and I had a nice soak. When I came back down we had a glass of cider because I was so thirsty. Well that’s our excuse! I cooked dinner, we had pork cutlets with potatoes, carrots, broccoli and sprouts. I was just preparing the veg when my boss rang to say he thinks it will be too frosty  ☃️ in the morning for me to trim leeks and the carrot tops will be too frozen for me to bunch carrots so I don’t have to go. I now don’t have to go till Thursday unless things are still frozen then and if so he will give me another ring on Wednesday

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