Wednesday 4 November 2020

Sunny Wednesday

I hot up at 5. 30, put on a load of washing and had egg and mushrooms for breakfast. I packed my lunch, dressed and hung out the washing. After I had cleaned my teeth etc I sat and read my book till it was time to set off for work. I had to pick 30 bunches of beetroot and then to carrots. Andy joined me and we had to have 15 dozen bunches. It took us till coffee break. After break we dug up and trimmed 36 pieces of celeriac, picked a box of black kale and then Andy went to cut cabbages and I walked to the leeks where I trimmed 6 boxes before home time. I drove straight to our daughters to collect our groceries. She is still looking well thank goodness. when I got home I unpacked and put everything away while H made me a cup of coffee. I got my washing in and sat and watched the cycle race. We watched tipping point and I had a bath. I cooked dinner which was pasta with a meat sauce and was delicous. When I got up it was 6 degrees C this morning, yesterday it was 18 degrees when I got up, thats a funny old drop in temperature in a day. But it was a lovely sunny day in the field. I have to go again tomorrow.

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