Friday 4 September 2020


I got up at 5.25 and put on a load of washing before having my breakfast. I packed my lunch, made my bed, dressed and hung out the washing and yesterdays before getting ready to go to work. I had to go straight to the greenhouse when i got there to pick the tomatoes. I PICKED 30 punnets and 2 large trays. It took till almost 11 oclock. Next I went to trim leeks with Andy, the first of the season. We trimmed 6 boxes and then trimmed a box of swedes, also the first of the season. we picked 20 bunches spring onions and went to the yard to wash everything. When it was all washed Andy went for his break while i packed and weighed it all. When i had finished it was my home time. When I got home H made me a coffee and I had a hot cross bun. I got the washing in all nice and dry and watered the tomatoes. we watched the tour de france and most of tipping point, I had my bath and washed my hair before cooking dinner. We had cheese and onion quiche with grilled mushrooms and tomatoes. last evening our eldest son rang to say he had spent several hours at the hospital. He happened to close one of his eyes for some reason and noticed everything he could see with his other eye was black and white. He could see no colour at all. At the hospital they examined it and he has a bubble under the retina. It might right itself so they are leaving it at the moment but they have given him another appointment and if its not better by then they will operate. They said they will either lance it or do it with a lazer.

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