Saturday 15 June 2019


I got up at 6.55 and put on a load of washing. I made a pot of tea and then had a tomato juice 🥤 for breakfast with a dash of Worcestershire sauce. We had a coffee and I ran the vacuum cleaner over all upstairs and then vacuumed all downstairs too. I began dusting and the sun came out so I dropped everything, put my shorts on and sat in the garden. After an hour or so it clouded over a bit. So I stayed outside but did a bit of gardening. I pulled up a lot of rubbish, tied some of my floppy plants to steaks and did a bit of pruning. If the sun came out for a longer period I sat back down. H was upstairs on the turbo. We had a cheese sandwich for lunch with celery and a coffee. This afternoon I made a loaf of bread and some flap jack with pistachios, it’s nice. H watched a cycle race and called me in for tipping point. When it was over I had a shower, made a pot of tea and cooked dinner. We had duck legs with new potatoes, carrots and broccoli. H had yogurt for pudding and I had an apple.
Mid afternoon we had a glass of wine with some cheese straws. It was lovely today to see the sun. This afternoon here it was 20 degrees. The warmest it’s been for ages.

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