Tuesday, 26 March 2019


I got up at 6.20 and put on a load of washing and made a bowl of porridge for breakfast. I had a mug of tea and then a small coffee. When the washing was done I dressed so I could hang it out and when I came back in here was another cup of coffee waiting for me! There was 2 cups of water in my porridge, my mug of tea was a pint, so with the 2 coffees I think if I walked about I think you would be able to hear it all sloshing about! I did a bit of clearing up, made the bed etc and at 10 we got ready to go to Sheringham. We went to Holland and Barrett first and bought 2 litres of peanut butter, one smooth and one crunchy. We took it back to the car because it’s heavy to carry about. Next we went to a wool shop where I bought a ball of wool and then to the hardware shop for a wander round. I bought a pair of gardening gloves and H found a radiator shelf that he has been wanting but he couldn’t remember the length of our rads. We have measured it since coming home so will know next time, we will have to go again soon. From there we walked to the sea and I went for a paddle! Next it was fish and chips, H had beans with his and I had mushy peas, we both had a mug of coffee. Delicious. We were then going to go home after that but as we passed an electrical shop I saw a lovely green microwave and H went in and bought it for me. There is all sorts of things in this colour so when we go again I will get something else. When we got home we had a coffee and a small glass of sloe gin that I made last year, I think it’s quite strong.  At tea time we just had a cup of tea and a biscuit because we were still full from lunch. I have had a lovely day. But tomorrow I have to go to work.

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