Saturday 13 June 2020

Sunny Saturday.

I got up at 5.20, put on a load of washing, made a pot of tea, a bowl of porridge and had my breakfast. When H had eaten his breakfast he made us a coffee and soon after he had drunk his he went up to get ready to turbo. I hung out the washing, potted my pepper on and put our chairs out to dry in the sun because we needed them to sit and catch some rays. I had a coffee and sat in the sun till 11 when I went in to take H a banana but when I got to the pain cave he had just finished. He had ridden 50 miles. He sat in the garden and I made him a coffee. At 12 we had cheese and biscuits with pickle for lunch and sat in the garden for a while but it was too hot for me so I went in and read my book. At 3 o’clock I made a pot of tea and was taking H his out when he folded his chair and came in. He said he had had enough sun for today. I took mine outside and stayed out till 4 when I got the washing in, watered the tomatoes and put my chair away. I had a shower and cooked dinner, we had fish cakes, cauliflower, grilled tomatoes and potato wedges. I think my back is getting better, it still hurts but the pain is not as bad as it was.

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