Saturday 6 June 2020


 I got up at 5. 30 and put on a load of washing. I made a pot of tea and watched tv till H got up. We had a coffee after he had eaten his breakfast. He went upstairs as soon as he had finished his breakfast to get ready for a training ride. As soon as he went up I made my porridge and had my breakfast. Next I cleaned my teeth and made the bed, dressed and walked to the letter box to post 2 birthday cards. I was pouring with rain all the way there and back, I had only been home 5 minutes and the rain stopped and the sun came out! I made myself a coffee and took H up a banana. He did really well, riding 63 miles in 2 hours and 45 minutes. We had chicken sandwiches for lunch and I sat in the conservatory all afternoon, reading. Every time it poured with rain I fell asleep ! I think it must have been the sound of the rain on the roof, it was like a drug! I had a shower and then dinner. Yesterday’s leftover chicken, mashed potatoes, peas, cauliflower and gravy. We watched Ninja warrior and next it’s James Bond.

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