Monday 29 June 2020


 I got up at 5.35 and put on a load of washing. H had cut off my bread so I had toast and marmite with my cup of tea for breakfast. I packed a cheese and cucumber roll and a bottle of water. I made the bed, dressed and then sat and relaxed in front of the tv till it was time for me to go to work. I didn’t hang the washing out because it looked like it might rain but H said he would hang it out later. When I got to work Andrew gave me 3 bags of beautiful raspberries, they are so tasty. He then went off gardening, I walked up the field to pick 31 bunches of radishes. Andy came up just as I had finished with the reas of the list. He had to have 20 bunches of beetroot and 48 bunches of carrots. He then had to go to the yard to wash and pack them and I was given another list which was 51 bunches of carrots and 32 bunches of spring onions. When I finished the carrots 🥕 I had my break and ate my roll. I had just started on the onions when Andy came back with another list. We had to have 20 more bunches of beetroot,, 31 more bunches of carrots, 10 more radishes and a total fo 51 spring onions.when it was all done A took it down to wash and I went weeding. I did 12 rows of Carrots and then 4 rows of parsnips. The parsnips ate going to take me ages, they are so weedy and there are ever so many rows. When I got home H made me a coffee and I had a bun with it. I got the washing in before it blew off the line ,it was so windy. I watered the tomatoes and my pots. We watched tipping point, had a bath and I cooked dinner. We had chicken pie with beans carrots and potatoes. I have to work again tomorrow.

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