Wednesday 16 October 2019


I got up at 5.35 and had buttered toast and tea for breakfast. I packed cheese and a tomato with a bottle of water for my break. I dressed etc so I was ready for work then I sat and read my book till it was time to go. The boss gave me a list which said 40 bunches of beetroot, 12 bunches of purple carrots and 72 bunches of orange ones. He said I would get help later. I did the beetroot and the purple carrots and started on the orange ones and the boss came up to help me! The two Andrews came next and we finished them in no time. They had harvested swedes, turnips, fennel, parsnips, loose carrots and celeriac so there was loads to be washed. We washed everything and then had our break. We then all went back to the fields and I had to go to leeks and the men cut cauliflowers, broccoli, cabbages etc and when they had done they picked me and my leeks up and we went back to the yard, washed the leeks and packed everything we had done this morning. It took till 12.30 so I spent the last half hour picking tomatoes. When I got home H made me a coffee and I had a bun with it.  I sat in the lounge all afternoon reading my book, H played chess against the computer and won! We watched tipping point, had a bath and I cooked dinner. We had sausages, pork and apple burgers, tomatoes and eggs. It was yummy. Now I am going to try to stay awake for my soaps. The story lines get more ludicrous each week in all of them.

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