Sunday 23 December 2018

Sunday. Nearly Christmas πŸŽ„πŸΎπŸŽ„πŸ¦ƒ

We both got up at 6.15 and had toast and tea for our breakfast. When we had done we got ready to go to the butchers. We were there before 8 and it was nice and quiet both inside the shop and on the roads. It was pouring with rain. I got our turkey and our daughters. I also bought sausage meat, chippolatas, bacon and fillet steaks. From the bakery end of the shop I bought 2 sausage rolls, a pork and Stilton pie and a giant shortcake. When we got home our son was just getting up. We all had a coffee and at 10 I went for a ride upstairs. I did 23.1 miles in an hour and a quarter. I had a shower and then our daughter came round to collect her turkey and brought us loads of presents to put under the tree. We had a cup of tea and she and I sat and talked till H had finished his ride, (he went up after me) we had another cup of tea and a sausage roll and then we got a message to say that James, who was moving Chloe and our grandson, had arrived with another load of furniture. The house Chloe has bought is just round the corner from us. So daughter, son and I all went round to have a look at the house. It’s very nice and has a decent sized garden which is unusual in new properties. I am so pleased they have now got their feet on the property ladder. I then sat about for most of the afternoon,H was watching rubbish on tv so I read some of my book. For dinner tonight we had gammon, peas and chips followed by stewed apple and ice cream. I did a load of washing this morning as usual but I wouldn’t hang it out so hopefully I will be able to tomorrow. 
My Mother would never hang out washing on a Sunday and she wouldn’t shake a rug either, it’s the Lords day. But I don’t think the Lord could less wether or not I am shaking mats and hanging out washing, I think he had much more important things to worry about.

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