I got up at 6.15 after quite a good night considering how rubbish I feel. I had my breakfast and a coffee. As soon as it was light I hung out yesterday’s washing. When I came back in H had made me another coffee!! I wrote another dozen Christmas cards and then got dressed so I could walk to the post office to post them. It was nice to get some fresh air but now my back is painful as well as my throat and all my itches. When I got home I sat about till H had finished his 62.5 miles on his turbo trainer!! Then I heated the rest of yesterday’s soup and we had it for lunch. I looked out of the window when I was heating the soup and saw that my line had broken and my washing was all over the place! Only my 2 jumpers were on the lawn and they were dry and perfectly clean. The rest of the washing was hanging on the roses, in the shrubbery, and dangling on a short bit of lin. I got it all in and then H and I put up a new one. Luckily I had a spare. We had a glass of wine and I read my book.
It was pie for dinner with potato wedges and cauliflower cheese. We had apple and custard for pudding.
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