Monday, 17 December 2018


I got up at 6, made a pot of tea and had a slice of toast for my breakfast. I packed a tomato, a slice of cheese and a bottle of water, sorted my work bag, dressed, made the bed and went to work. I had to walk sthaight up the field and pick 16 bunches of purple carrots and 36 bunches of orange ones. The men came along just in time to save me walking all the way to the leeks we all rode down on the trailer. We all trimmed leeks till 9.30 whenwe went down to wash and pack everything. The boss was waiting with the van doors open so we could load it up and he went straight off to deliver it. That’s nice fresh veg in the shops on a Monday morning. We had our coffee break and I went back to the leeks and carried on trimming. Andrew joined me and later Andy also after he had harvested some cauliflowers, kale, turnips and fennel. We went back to the yard at 12.15 to wash it all. The men went for their lunch and I packed leeks till it was my home time. When I left off I met my sister in law and we exchange Christmas gifts. She is looking well. As soon as I got home H made me a coffee and for my lunch I had the leftover chicken pasta from yesterday. I didn’t do much this afternoon because after dragging my feet out of mud for 5 hours I am exhausted. I had a nice soak in the bath and for dinner we had pork chops, new potatoes, cauliflower and broccoli.

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