Saturday 22 January 2022


I got up at 7.10. I made a pot of tea and a bowl of porridge and had my breakfast. When H came down we had a coffee and we got the bikes out again. When I went outside to get the bin in it was only 3 degrees but there wasnt a breath of wind and it felt so much better than yesterday so we decided we would be going out. I emptied the dishwasher and also took all the rubbish out. Anyway we got ready and started off along the track which was pretty wet in places and very icy in the shade. I rode over some puddles and the ice didnt even crack! We went as far as Whitwell station on the track where we got on the road and went to Reepham and home on the roadvia Booton, Cawston and Felthorpe. It was a nice ride, trying out all H's gears and levels and all the different combinations. We did almost 19 miles. While we were out we saw 4 buzzards, 1on its own and the other 3 all flying together and making a lot of noise. We also saw a kestril and found a huge dead goose on the side of the road. We stopped and I picked it up and had a look at it. It was really heavy and something had eaten alf its neck away so i carried it into the field and laid it there so it wasnt run over and I expect a fox will find it. When we got home H cleaned the bikes while I got lunch. We had cheese on toast with cherry tomatoes and a cup of coffee. H went in the garage and put a new mec on his bike, we had a glass of wine, watched tipping point and had our baths and then dinner. We had pizza with a side salad and a mug of tea. We watched a film and I went upstairs to watch a goggle box. Its been a good day.

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