Tuesday 2 November 2021

November 2nd ( yesterday and today)

Yesterday I had to work and harvested carrots, purple carrots, beetroot, fennel paesnips and loads of leeks. when I got home I made son a salad, had a coffee, a slice of corned beef and a banana. After we had eaten son got the bikes out of the garage and he and I went for a ride. Most of it was off road, through woods etc. It was quite hard work for me but I enjoyed it and it was fun in the woods. After my bath I cooked dinner. Jacket potatoes, mushrooms, corn on the cob, peas and mackerel, stewed apple and cream for pud. Today I worked again and had to trim leeks all morning. I had coffee when I got home, made H a chicken sandwich and son a salad I had some chicken and a banana. I made a cottage pie for dinner this evening and we had it with carrots and romanesque. H made a bowl of popcorn for afters. The day before yesterday son beat me 2 nill at crib but last night I beat him 2 nil, he is still the overall winner this weekend. He is now heading home. Tomorrow I have to work again.

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