Sunday 21 November 2021


I got up at 7 so that was a nice lay in. I dried yesterdays washing in the tumble drier because this morning its raining. I had eggs for breakfast and we had a small coffee arter I had drunk my tea. I emptied the dishwasher and tumble drier, did the ironing and dusted downstairs. When the rain stopped I went out and planted my tulip bulbs. I fed my indoor plants and we had another coffee. H went up to have a ride in the pain cave for an hour so I did a bit more work in the garden. He tapped on the window when he had finished and I went in and made us a cuppa soup and a hot mince pie with squirty cream. I didnt bother to go out again because we had some more showers. We watched a film and had our baths and dinner. Steak pie, potatoes cabbage and carrots, ice cream for pudding.

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