Wednesday 13 October 2021

Wednesday work

I got up at 5.35, put on a load of washing, made a pot of tea and cooked 2 eggs for my breakfast. I packed my work snack, hung out my washing and relaxed until it was time for me to go to work. It was only 4degrees C here when I got up this morning. When I got to work I had to go with Andy, which meant I got a lift up the field on the trailer because the men never walk anywhere. We had to pick 50 bunches of beetroot and 120 bunches of carrots so I cut 170 pieces of string while Andy began to fork the carrots up. I packed them all into boxes and Andy loaded them on to the trailer. We had our break and then I had to walk to the leeks amd trim them for the rest of the morning. I had 6 boxes when Andy joined me after he had cut a load of greens.We ended up with 13 boxes by home time. When I got home H was on the front lawn hosing off cats mess! I made us a coffee and had a slice of corned beef and a banana for my lunch. I got my washing in and it was dry! We watched tipping point, had our baths and then dinner. Salmon with a baked potato and mushrooms.

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