Friday 22 October 2021


I got up at 6 and put on a load of washing. I had toast for breakfast with butter and marmite and a cup of tea. I packed my snack, dressed etc and got ready to go to work. I left the washing for H to hang out. I had to pick 21 bunches of golden beetroot and then move to leek where I trimmed 4 boxes. The men came and we all went back to the yard to wash and pack everything. We had our break and then Andrew was sent out gardening and Andy and I had to go back into the field thd trim 37 pieces of celeriac. Next we went to squashes and harvested all the rest of the butternut and 13 spaghetti squashes then on to turnips where we trimmed 4 boxes. We went back to the yard, washed and packed the squashes and it was my home time. H made me a coffee and then he made some pop corn to go with our bottle of bubbly. It was really nice and must have been quite strong because we both fell asleep! I had a bath and washed my hair in pink shampoo and I think I look rather pink! For dinner we had haddock mornay with cauliflower cheese, leeks and new potatoes.

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