Wednesday 6 October 2021

Wednesday work.

I got up at 5.30 and made a pot of tea, fried my eggs and had my breakfast. Next I washed and dressed, packed my things for break and relaxed with my book till it was time to leavefor work. It was a horrible morning cold wet and muddy. The field is so soggy and made walking very hard work. We had to pick 50 bunches of beetroot, 120 bunches of carrots and then leeks. The leeks were the hardest, we both kept getting our feet stuck and i came home feeling exhusted! H made me a coffee and I had a banana. I took a quiche out of the freezer for dinner tonight, made a pot of tea and relaxed till tipping point. After we had watched it we had our baths and then dinner, quiche and potato wedges, mellon for pud.

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