Saturday 30 October 2021


I had a really great sleep last night and H had to wake me up at 6.15 so we could have our breakfast and go shopping.I had toast and tea. When we got home and I had put everything away,we had a coffee and a cake and I read my magazine. When our son got up he had a coffee and a cake, (merangue). 'He did a bit of work on his van and got our bikes out of the garage. H didnt want to come with us! I made son a salad and after he had eaten t we got ready to go out on our bikes. we had a great ride. 21.7 miles. We collected loads of chestnuts. When we got home H made some popcorn and we had it with a bottle of wine.We watched a film called St. VINCENT and it was so good. Halfway through we had to pause it so I could cook dinner. We had steak, onions, peas, mushrooms,and potato wedges. After the end of the film I roasted some chestnuts and then I went up for SCD. Last night son and I played cards and he won 2/1.

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