Saturday 10 October 2020


I got up at two minuites to seven and had my breakfast. I stripped the bed and put on a load of washing. We had a coffee, H spilt his so had to make another. I emptied the dishwasher and put everything away and when the washing was done I put it in the tumble drier even though it was dry outside but I was going to the City and rain was forecast. H was going to be on the turbo so wouldnt be able to get it in. I went to the City on the bus using my OAP bus pass. Its the first time I have been since Christmas. I had to get some batteries for my hearing aids. I put my mask on before I left home and didnt take it off till I got back indoors. When I got home we had a coffee, H had ceans on toast and I had a crab. It was yummy. H vacumed downstairs and I remade the bed. We had a milk shake and a glass of wine, I made a pot of tea and after my shower I cooked dinner. We had a steak and onion with potatoes, broccoli and carrots. It poured with rain when I was in the City and I hadnt taken my umbrella!

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