Wednesday, 13 February 2019


I got up at 5.30 and had toast and tea for my breakfast. I packed cheese, tomato and water, sorted my work bag and dressed ready for work. I had to pick a sack and a half of sproutsand then joined the men on leeks. We all went down for coffee break and then I had to walk back to leeks again and that’s where I spent the rest of the morning. I trimmed about 9 boxes. Now I don’t have to go again till next Wednesday. We are running out of vegetables fast which means my boss has a good year, we don’t always sell everything. We have now run out of turnips, are almost out of parsnips, cabbages, and kale too. The carrots are going fast and we are on our last bed of leeks which we don’t normally start for another month. When I got home H had a coffee all ready for me, he had been to his Spanish lesson but beat me home. I had a soak in the bath, did some knitting and then cooked dinner. We had sausages, burgers, eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes and chips it was very tasty. H had yogurt for his pudding and I had a pear.

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