Tuesday 19 April 2022


I got up at 6.30 and put on a load of washing. considering I thought I was going to hospital I had a pretty good nights sleep. We had a cup of tea and I had eggs for breakfast.I hung the washing out when it was done and we had a coffee. I sat in the onservatoth with mine and read a bit of my book. I did a bit of watering in the garden and sorted out a shelf in one of my bedroom cupboards. I threw away a load of the old clothes I used to wear for work and masses of old tights that I will never wear again. I was about to vacum downstairs when the phone rang and it was the hospital. They rang to say they were sorry but they had to cancel my appointment because the doctor who was seeing me had an emergency operation come in. They have given me another appointment in 2or 3 weeks time. So we then decided to pop to the garden centre and Lidl which are next door to each other. I bought a new trowel with the monet no 1 son gave me for mothers day and 2 plants. In Lidl I bought some jam and marmalade because we like theirs and I got a pack of Gnocchi which I have wanted to try since I first watched Friends years ago! When we got home We had a coffee and H had a pork roll, I had a salad. We also had a beer! This afternoon I spent over 2 hours gardening to get s bit of exersize in and completly forgot to vacum. As I was coming upstairs to write this the phone rang and it was no 2 son from Cos airport waiting for his flight home. We liked the Gnocchi but found it very filling.

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