Saturday 16 April 2022


I was up most of the night with a shomach upset! Thats the second night in a row! Each time I have been fine during the day, just tired after 2 nights of no sleep in a row. I had a cream cracker with marmite on for breakfast and a cup of tea. We had a coffee and H put our chairs outside in the sun but it was chilly in the breeze so he put our wind break up and it was better behind that. Lunch was sandwiches, H had cheese and beetroot and mine was salad. H had a glass of wine but I had water. I worked in the garden for a couple of hours and have cleared another nice length of the garden path. I had had enough by 3 oclock so I came in and made a pot of tea. I prepared the veg for dinner and had my bath. We are having salmon with potato wedges, and roasted tomatoes, cauliflower and corn on the cob. This morning H fitted a new thermostat onto the hot water tank and now everything works so he has done a great job. He says he hopes I am better tomorrow so we can go out on our bikes.

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