Wednesday 15 July 2020

St. Swithens day.

I got up at 5.50 and put on a load of washing. I had egg and courgette for breakfast with a mug of tea and later a coffee. Our son got up at 8.50. I hung out my washing and sat and read my book for a while. H got our bikes out of the garage and son had his breakfast. He began packing up all his things ready to go back to London. H and I began to get ourselves ready to go out on our bikes. We did 31 and a bit miles, riding to Briston to see if we could find a wet fish shop our eldest son had told us about. We found it easily and I bought a few things. They had som lovely crabs and lobsters. On the way there we had a few spots of rain and a bit more on the way back but not enough to wet us. It was a nice ride, we saw 5 buzzards and 3 kestrels. Also a poor dead Badger 🦡 on the grass verge in Haveringland. When we got home it was still dry so I got the washing in, all dry. For lunch we had half a leftover beef burger each and half a crab each with a coffee. Next we watched Monday’s Broardchurch and I watered the tomatoes and made a pot of tea. I sat and read my book till it was time for tipping point, we watched that and then had our baths before dinner. We had a crab cake and a smoked haddock fish cake with chips and peas and a bread roll. Tomorrow I have to go to work.

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