Tuesday, 9 April 2019


 I got up at 6.20 and put on a load of washing, next I made a pot of tea and a bowl of porridge for breakfast. H got up at 6.50 and said he didn’t feel well. He was very dizzy and felt a bit sick. It’s vertigo, he’s had it before. As the day went on he felt better but didn’t turbo today as he intended to. I hung out my washing, let the builders in, washed up allthe big things , got everyone a drink and then got ready to cycle to the butchers. It was a gale force head wind all the way there, tail wind all the way home but I was too shattered to take advantage of it on the way home. When I got back I made a load more drinks and got H a bowl of soup for his lunch with a toasted hot cross bun for pud. I got my washing in, dry so I ironed it and put it all away. At 3 I made us all drinks and the builders finished the conservatory and it looks nice they just have to come back and plaster it. For dinner we had  a liver and mushroom casserole with new potatoes and fried onions. Tomorrow I have to go to work.

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