Saturday, 20 October 2018


I got up just before 6 and put on a load of washing and then I had my breakfast 🍳 . I put the oven on and when it had warmed up I made H some of his favourite rock cakes. ( he’s eaten 3 already) ! After that I sat and read my book till our son got up because I didn’t want to rattle about and wake him up. When he did get up I emptied the dishwasher and put everything away and hung out the washing. We all had a coffee then I cleared more garden rubbish. I came in to get lunch, bacon butties for H and salad for son and me. After that I got my bike out of the garage and son brought his down from his bedroom and he and I went to look for chestnuts in Horseford wood. I find it REALLY hard work when it’s completely off road and riding through bogs etc! We only did 6 miles but it felt much further. However after saying all that I have to add that I loved it. It was so beautiful in the woods with the sun slanting through the trees and so quiet with just the plop of chestnuts 🌰 falling to the forest floor. When we got home I got the washing in and H made me a cup of tea. I had a shower and cooked dinner, we had gammon steaks with mushrooms, peas and chips. For pud it was stewed apple and blackberries, H had custard on his but son and I had yogurt, it was nice.

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