Wednesday, 13 June 2018


I got up at 5am because I couldn’t sleep. I put on a load of washing and sat and read till I heard H moving about then I made a pot of tea and had my breakfast. ( the crust off a new loaf buttered.) I packed a banana and a tomato for my lunch with a bottle of water. I dressed, hung out the washing and went to work for the third time this week. We all went planting again, today it was cabbages and kale. Several types of cabbage, savoy, tundra, January king to name but a few, plus 3 types of kale.It took till 11.15 so then I picked 80 bunches of radishes and went weeding till it was time for me to leave off. When I got home H made me a coffee and a sausage sandwich. We were going to sit in the garden but it clouded over so we watched the cycling instead. I had a bath and washed my hair and for dinner we had cod in breadcrumbs, sautĂ© potatoes, sweet corn and peas. I got my washing in, all nice and dry again. I have to work again tomorrow!! My cycle training is really suffering this week.

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