Tuesday 25 May 2021


I got up at 5.30 and put on a load of washing. I made a pot of tea and we had tea and toast for breakfast. We had a coffee and it was raining just for a change. I did my ironing up to date and a bit of clearing up. We had another coffee and I got ready for a ride upstairs. I tried a different route on the new island. I turned out to be hard work so I only did one lap and then changed to another route and did 2 laps of that and altogether did 24.6 miles average 19.2 mph. I had a shower because I had work hard and got very hot. When I finished we had lunch, a cuppa soup and a cheese sandwich. I sat in the conservatory and read my book while H was in the garage painting a bike frame. I had just started to get ready to go to the dentist when I got a message from our daughter saying thry were on their way round to measure for our new bathroom cupgoard. There was time for them to have a coffee and a bit of a chat. When I got back from the dentist I made a pot of tea and cooked dinner, quiche, mushrooms, potato wedges and corn on the cob.

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