Thursday, 30 November 2017

Thursday, first snow of the season.

I got up at 5.40 put on a load of washing and had my breakfast. I packed 2 pate’ sandwiches with gherkins and a bottle of water for my lunch, made bed, sorted my bag etc and went to work. The boss said I could leave my bag in the shed and Andy would bring me down at coffee break and for lunch, he said I might be too cold sitting in the field today!! It was truly freezing. First we had to pick and bunch 144 bunches of carrots and 12 purple ones. We took them down, laid them all out then washed and packed them. We had our break and then I walked back and I picked  one and a half sacks of sprouts and 3 boxes of leeks. It was so muddy and I struggled to walk, every step I took my feet got stuck in the mud. Andy had been harvesting kale so after I had eaten my lunch I washed and  packed my leeks and his kale. He and I then went back up the field again, I walked behind the tractor to keep my feet warm. We had to do 4 boxes of parsnips, 4 boxes of loose carrots, 10 more bunches of carrots, 4 boxes of leeks and 24 pieces of celeriac. It took us till 3.20 when we went down and washed it all and there was just time for us to pack it all up before I left off. When I got home I was chilled right through but my cup of tea and soak in the bath soon warmed me up. For dinner tonight we had jacket potatoes, fish in garlic and herb sauce, and baked beans. I am so pleased I don’t have to go again tomorrow, I am off till Monday.

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