Sunday, 19 November 2017


I got up at 6.10 and H followed me down. We had our breakfast and then a coffee. After that I sat and knitted and H was messing about with hid phone 📱 playing scrabble with our daughter. We just sat quietly until our son got up then I emptied the dishwasher and put everything away etc. At 10.30 son and I put our cycle gear on and went for a bike ride. It was lovely, wall to wall sunshine but pretty cold which didn’t matter because we were well wrapped up.H rode upstairs. When we got back I just washed my hands and sorted lunch. H had a bacon sandwich and son and I had salad. I only had a small one because this afternoon H and I went to the hospital again to see H’s brother. He had fallen over again so we asked if he could have a Zimmer frame to help him with his balance it’s the third time he has fallen in 2 weeks, twice in hospital. However he was looking better today and stayed awake the whole time we were there. As soon as we got home I started dinner. We had roast pheasant and chicken with mashed and roast potatoes, roast sweet potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli 🥦, and gravy. Pineapple for pudding. I then went upstairs to watch S C D results. We also had a mug of tea and a glass of wine. I am glad I went for a ride, it’s been 8 days since my last one! It’s work for me tomorrow.

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