Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Wednesday. 1st November ch

This morning I knitted till H came down and we had our breakfast, I did a load of washing and hung it out while H was making us a coffee. I made the bed after I was dressed and then made H some rock cakes which was what he asked for. When they were done I went to the chicken farm for eggs, then to the garden centre because my daughter wanted some white pansies. I bought myself a pack of Christmas cards, 2 white ceramic plant pot holders and an indoor plant. They have all their Christmas decorations and trees out and I spent ages looking round. When I got home we had out lunch, French stick with cheese and ham. This afternoon H had a Spanish lesson so after I had washed the kitchen floor I spent the rest of the time knitting . I really wanted to finish it but I ran out of time. For dinner we had chicken strips in breadcrumbs, potato wedges, baked beans and garlic bread. We had a glass of wine and a cup of tea later. I have to work again tomorrow and when I get home no2son should be here, he’s coming for the weekend.

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