Sunday 23 August 2020


Igot up at 6.30 and put on a load of washing. H got up at the same time and we had our breakfast. He had toast and I had eggs. Ihung the washing out when it was done and H got ready for a turbo ride.I just sat and read my book till our son came down. The plan for today was for him and me to do an off road ride that we havent done for years. Well I was quite worried because its a hard ride and we dont know how overgrown it will be. I said I was worried about it and son didnt mind, he said we would rise elswhere. I said i will do it next time he is home when I havent ridden my bike the day before. H said they can go and ride it tomorrow when I am at work. Thats great because they will be able to see what condition its in. It passes through a farmyard, up Ringland hills and its all hard work so I hope I can still manage it. Our ride was lovely, we went to Heydon and had an iced coffee. Son also had a slice of cake which Itasted and it was yummy. Our ride was almost 25 miles off and on road. At one point we came across a huge branch of an oak tree which had fallen right across the track. It wasnt there when we did that bit yesterday. There was a man there sawing it up, son managed to lift our bikes over it so we could carry on. On the way back, when we got to a bridge crossing a river,there were 2 men fishing with magnets! We asked what they were doing and they were checking the bridge, they had found several large bolts frfrom off the bridge! While we were there they found something big and heavy. We hung around to see what was coming up but it their magnets werent man enough for the job and kept slipping off so in the end we came away. When we got home we had a coffee and later a beer. For dinner we had roast leg of lamb with roast potatoes, broccoli, runner beans, carrots and gravy, with melon for dessert. I am now watching cricket highlights.

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