Thursday 27 August 2020

Nightmare day.

I got up at 5.30, put on a load of washing, made a pot of tea and had my breakfast. I packed my cheese and tomatoes for my break, hung out yesterdays washing and also todays when it was done. I dressed, made the bed and went to work. First i had to pick the tomatoes, it was nice and calm and the sun wasnt out which is always nice when I have to work in there. Well I had picked the first tray and started on the second but there are some tomatoes that are ripening so high up the plants that i cant reach them. I found a sturdy crate that would be able to hold my weight and began climb onto it, one foot on it tipped so i slid off and the crate rammed down on my other leg so i now have a black shin with a couple of lumps on as big as turkey eggs and a five and a half inch cut down the middle! Its really painful at the moment and I am writing this laying on the bedwith my leg up on a pillow and an ice pack on my shin. I am feeling sorry for myself. H made me a coffee when i got home and I sat all afternoon with my leg up, we watched tipping point, had a bath and then dinner, chicken curry followed by strawberries and cream. After I had had my leg cleaned up a bit at work I carried on, I had to pick tomatoes till break then pick 22 bunches of radishes,20 golden beetroot, ( Andrew joined me), 24 bunches of carrots and 48 bunches of purple carrots,and 54 bunches of beetroot. Andrew then went for his lunch and I spent the last half an hour back in the greenhouse picking tomatoes. I got my washing in, all nice and dry.Idont have to work again till Tuesday

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