Wednesday, 28 December 2016

A great day. ( 78 year old ).

My day has been really good. First thing I rang my boss, left a message on his answer phone saying if he can manage without me tomorrow then I would rather not go. I had porridge for breakfast,dressed,made the bed vacuumed and dusted all downstairs. After our son had eaten his breakfast he and I decided to go for a bike ride along the track again.H was going for a Spanish lesson. The fog was really thick and I thought there would not be many people out in it. Well I was wrong,the track was very busy. If you are on a bike it's the best place to be because there is no chance of being hit by a car because of the poor visibility. The fog was heavy and dense so by the time we arrived at Reepham cafe we were quite wet. When we got back home H was there and I made soup for lunch. Son and I then played cribbage and, oh joy, I won 2 games to 1.!!!No sooner had we finished when the phone rang and it was my boss to say he can manage without me tomorrow so now I won't have to go to work until next Tuesday. Being told that and winning made my day. We did well on the bike ride too and managed to do it 10 minutes faster than we did on Boxing Day.

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