Wednesday, 4 January 2017


I had porridge for breakfast with a cup of tea and then a coffee. When I woke up this morning I had a really sore throat, my eyes are itching in their sockets, my nose is like a tap and I can't stop sneezing! I did a load of washing and hung it out,it was very windy which was lucky because it hadn't been out long when it began to rain, I rushed to get it in and it was as good as dry. H had a Spanish lesson at 11am but as I was not working he was able to go in the car. While he was out I had a ride on the turbo trainer. As I am feeling 1 degree under I just rode steadily and did 20 miles in 1 hour and10 minutes. I then made some soup for lunch which was done as Hwalked in the door. On the way home he had been to the chicken farm for eggs and he also got my magazine so as soon as I had eaten my lunch I read my magazine. For dinner tonight we had fish pie and peas. My boss rang and said he doesn't need me any more this week so he will see me Monday. As I feel quite poorly at the moment I am happy with that and hopefully I will be better by then.

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