Friday, 13 January 2017


when we got up it was all clear outside. ( we had been promised snow overnight) we then had a few flakes and then it stopped. I gave up looking out of the window then and sat and finished the book I was reading. When I next glanced out it was a complete white out! At 11am we had to leave home to pick up my friend Dorothy and go to a funeral. It was awful, we were slipping and sliding all over the place, everything was crawling along and it took us ages to get there. However we made it with 5 minutes to spare. As funerals go it was lovely, it was my old boss, he was in his 96th year and it was a celebration of his life. There were lots of my old workmates there, some who I haven't seen for 30years. By the time we left the wake almost all the snow had melted so our journey home again was fine. For tea we just had cheese and biscuits with a nice glass of red wine because we were still full. I feel sorry for the people living round our coastal area tonight, we have strong winds and high tides forecast so there is a threat of flooding.

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