Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Damp Tuesday

We were supposed to go out on our bikes this morning but it was raining so we chickened out. H had a parcel to collect from a pickup point so we went out to get it and while we were out I went to a shop to buy some wool and a patten to knit a matinee coat. My hairdresser is having a baby girl so I bought a very pale pink. It's ages since I have done any knitting and I had forgotten how much I enjoy it. We had soup for lunch, ( I had porridge for breakfast ) and for dinner we had cod, jacket potatoes, peas and bread and butter. I made a loaf this morning so the bread was lovely and fresh.
While we were out I bought a pair of running shoes. I don't run but they are great for biking in. The ones I have been using on my bike are the same. This time I have bought a darker pair, my old ones are a pale blue and I can't get them clean any more. They are so light ( weight ) and comfortable I don't know I have them on.

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