Tuesday, 25 August 2015


I had toast for breakfast and packed beetroot sandwiches for my lunch. I had to pick 48 bunches of carrots,20 bunches of beetroot and then spent the rest of the day bunching spring onions. I thought I was going to get away with the weather but just before 3 pm it began to rain so I had to work the last hour in the wet. I managed to get 257 bunches of onions.H is on the second day of his diet and says it's not so bad today but he is not looking forward to 8 o'clock because he has to have the second half of his medicine then and he says it's really awful. Tomorrow he has to go to hospital for a big scan, I am keeping my fingers crossed that everything is ok.
No 2 son rang this afternoon to see how our ride went on Sunday, I told him it was a nightmare ride with gales all the way home.

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