Wednesday, 4 October 2017


I was up at 5.35, put on a load of washing, made a pot of tea and had my breakfast. I packed 2 cheese and lettuce rolls and a bottle of water for my lunch made the bed, dressed, hung out the washing and went to work. I had to trim 2 rows of leeks first (4boxes ). Then I had to pick 140 bunches of spring onions, they took me ages, they are past the best and I will be glad when they are finished. After that I went back to Leeks till Andy same to take me to the yard to wash and pack everything before hometime. When I got home I had a splitting headache because of all the bending. I had a cup of tea and two paracetamols. I had a bath and cooked dinner, fish pie, cauliflower, peas and carrots. I have to work again tomorrow but the boss said I might be finished by lunchtime. H got the  washing in, all nice and dry with all the wind but I was cold at work.

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