Monday, 23 October 2017


I got up at 5*30 and put on a load of washing then I had my breakfast and packed my lunch which was 2 beetroot sandwiches with 2 tomatoes and a bottle of water. I made the bed, dressed, sorted out my bag and got ready to go to work. I left the washing for H to hang out because it was too dark for me to see up the garden path. I had to trim 4 boxes of leeks and then 60 bunches of carrots. I had my coffee break sitting on a box in the field. After that I went back to leeks and had trimmed 2 more boxes when Andy came up and we had to pick a box of loose carrots and 4 boxes of turnips. We took them to the yard, washed and packed them, had our lunch and I had to walk back to the leeks and carried on trimming. Andy joined me after I had done another 4 boxes and we kept on leeks till 3*20 when we went down to wash and pack them. I don’t have to go again till Wednesday. When I got home I had a cup of tea and a soak in the bath. For dinner tonight we had fish pie with baked beans.

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