Monday, 12 September 2016


Well, this morning I overslept !! H came in and woke me up at 6.20 and he was only just awake himself. I did a load of washing but it wasn't finished before I left for work so H had to hang it out. I had a slice of toast and a cup of tea, packed my lunch and went to work. I had to pick a box of runner beans first then 20 bunches of beetroot. After that I had to cut broccoli and pack cabbages, then it was on to carrots for  48 bunches and finally Spring onions. When we had finished those we all went down to wash and pack everything so it could be delivered. We had our lunch and then it was back up to the top of the field for 40 more bunches of onions, 2 bunches of purple carrots 10 more bunches of beetroot and the last hour and a bit was spent weeding. It was really much too hot to be stuck in the middle of a field and was still 27.5 when I got home. When I got home I had my cup of tea and a bath before dinner. Neither of us were hungry so we ended up just having a fried egg and fried tomatoes with a slice of bread and butter. I have tomorrow off but I bet I won't be lucky enough to sleep in.!

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