Wednesday, 13 July 2016


After breakfast I hung out the usual load of washing packed my cheese and tomato sandwiches and went to work. I had to go with Andy to pick 5 boxes of rhubarb and 5 boxes of beetroot. It was handy that I had to work with him because it meant that I got a lift up the field on the tractor and trailer. We then had to do 10 bunches of onions and 14 bunches of carrots. Andy then went back to the yard and I had to stay on Spring onions till further notice. At 1.15 the planter came to the top of the field and we all had to go planting. We slowly went to the very top of the field, the sky went black and it poured with rain. We got off the planter ran all the way back to where we had all left our wet weather gear and by the time we got there we were wet through. We put our coats on and the rain stopped and the sun came out. We then walked all the back to the planter and finished the job. Three of us finished the last few minuites of the day back on Spring onions and the total for the day was 218. We just had beans, eggs and chips for dinner and it was lovely.

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