Thursday, 19 November 2015


Work again, I had my breakfast,packed my lunch, made the bed etc and went to play in the mud for 8 hours. I had to pick 60 bunches of beetroot, 120 bunches of carrots and then I was supposed to pick 4 boxes of loose carrots but the men came up and did them before I had a chance. I had to pick a basket of sprouts instead and then 8 boxes of leeks. We just had time to wash and pack them all before it was my home time. For dinner tonight we had fried liver,fried onions, chips and bread and butter. Daughter rang this evening, they are all fine and we are popping round to see them on Saturday. Next Friday she and I are going Christmas shopping, l can't wait!! We love Christmas. Tomorrow H and I will do our weekly shop and later we are going to collect our new kitchen blind which is now ready.

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