Saturday, 3 January 2015

3rd Jan

I missed a day of my blog yesterday, not a good start to the new year!! I began the day with good intentions having porridge for my breakfast, getting ready and riding 27 miles on my bike ( even though I am still in a lot of pain in my shoulder) , coming home and making healthy veg.soup for lunch. But then it all went wrong!!! H opened a bottle of wine and a giant box of chocolates given to us by our daughter. At first I refused the chocs but after the second glass of wine my resistance was low and that was it, not only did I eat loads of chocolates but I also finished off half a tub of twigletts and I don't even like them!!! Next it was on to the nuts and so it carried on!  I think the problem all goes back to the years when I was born. I am a pre' war baby so can remember all the years of rationing and never wasting a scrap of food. 70 odd years later and I still can't get out of the habit😄 well that's my excuse. Today I have started off again with porridge and so far so good. I have taken a pheasant out of the freezer for dinner tonight, it's a nice healthy meat with no fat. The one I have is " road kill " !! When H and I are out on our bikes we often come across them and if they aren't too damaged and smell ok we bring them home. This one was still warm when we found the poor thing so H stuffed it up his jacket and brought it home. He can often be seen with feathers sticking out from his neck. At least the poor things life wasn't wasted because it's feeding us tonight. When we got it home I did not pluck it I cut the skin open along the breast and pealed it back. I cut the breast meat off the bone, pealed the skin back still further and cut out both legs,that makes a good meal for the two of us, a leg and a breast each, I am going to put it in a casserole dish with some veg. I took what was left of it out to where I know there are foxes and the next day it had gone.

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