Monday, 10 October 2016


It was 6 degrees when I got up this morning so I put on an extra layer for work today. I packed chicken sandwiches for lunch and off I went. First I had to pick 60 bunches of carrots, then 30 bunches of beetroot and 160 bunches of spring onions. By then it was lunch time and it was pouring with rain so I had to sit in a horrible little tin hut and eat it. After that I had to pick 4 bunches of purple carrots and another 12 bunches of orange ones. After that I had to walk to the leeks and trim them till I was picked up and taken back to the yard to wash and pack everything. It rained on and off all day and it was quite cold at times. I don't have to go again till Wednesday. For dinner we had pizza and corn on the cob. The pizza was really yummy,it was already cut into 6 sections and there were 2 cheese and tomato,2 ham and pineapple and 2 salami, all were delicious, it came from M & S.

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