Wednesday 24 July 2024


 I had toast for breakfast because we were having eggs tonight with our dinner. H had taken the bikes out of the garage before I was up. Yesterday I gardened all day. Anyway, when I got up this morning and looked out of the kitchen window and our back garden looked like a scene from a Walt Disney cartoon. There was a family of blue tits round our arch hanging upside down and flying about, there were 2 gold finches sitting on the bed bath, Blackbirds on the lawn pulling up worms 2 hedge sparrows hopping about in the border and pidgins walking up the path. Any one would think we lived in the middle of the countryside. We got ready and went for a bike ride we did 23 miles on and off road. I got a bloody arm after getting caught on a bramble. When we got home I changed and sat in the garden until the sun went in. For dinner tonight we had sausages, chicken nuggets, eggs, mushrooms and broad beans. 

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